When Treating Your Lawn Will Be Most Effective

fertilizer machine

Your lawn can be compared to fine wine. A nice wine should be aged and stored properly to taste just right. Similarly, your lawn needs to be fed and cared for during specific periods of time. When you treat your lawn at the right times, it will pay off as soon as spring and summer roll around, and your yard is the best on the block. 

Maybe you know how to treat a fine wine, but it could be a little harder for you or your business to keep up with your lawn and property the same way. At Alliance Landscape, we have found the best times for you to treat your lawn to optimize lawn care with a perfect lawn care program. 

The health and wellness of your turf is deeper (literally) than a green-looking lawn. Effective and professional lawn care can penetrate the surface and send nutrients into your lawn’s roots and soil.

The First Sign of Spring

Spring begins as early as Mother Nature will allow it. Whether that be the end of March or in late May, your first round of lawn treatment should begin as soon as spring shows its face. This care treatment should include fertilizer that contains crabgrass pre-emergent and broadleaf weed control that will work to stop weed growth before it happens.

Waiting Around for Summer 

While spring can last a while, you won’t want to wait around for summer to be at full speed before you think about treating your lawn again. A mid-spring treatment with slow-release fertilizer and another dose of crabgrass pre-emergent — but this time with post-emergent as well — can be crucial to the way your lawn develops through the seasons. 

Seeing Summer 

When it’s finally warm enough to throw on a bathing suit and suntan in your backyard, you won’t want to be looking at a dehydrated, unprotected lawn. During this time, it’s a great idea to bring back another slow-release fertilizer to replenish the nutrients in your soil and feed the roots of your lawn.

Hello Humidity

August can be a tough month for humidity, and if that makes you uncomfortable, your turf is also suffering. An assessment of your lawn can determine if it will need another round of slow-release fertilizer, which it likely will. During that time, your grass can be treated for broadleaf weed control as necessary.

Falling Into Fall and Preparing for Winter

Getting your business or residential lawn fully prepared for the colder months is an important step many property owners tend to forget. Applying fertilizer during these times can prepare your lawn and create root growth and healthy soil for the next warm season. 

Alliance Landscaping’s Seven-Step Program

Keeping up with your fertilizing schedule needs to be a priority, and Alliance Landscaping is around to help you with that responsibility. When you have more than one property, it shouldn’t all land on you to create a sustainable lawn care system with organic fertilizer for them. So we’re here to evaluate your turf and create one for you. 

You can find us on social media like on our Facebook page or Twitter to learn a little more about us. If you are more interested in contacting us directly, you can call us at (603) 704-4230

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